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Re: Re:[Full-Disclosure] RE: laptop security

On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 19:17, Ian Latter wrote:
> Buying luggage recently my girlfriend and I were told about a range 
> of luggage that was supposed to do exactly that;  bluetooth enabled,
> as it is being stolen from beside you at the airport, it would lose 
> range from the mobile and alert you.  Cute idea ... all they need to
> do now is add a tazer to it so it incapacitates the dude with bags and 
> you won't have to run after him either .. just get an SMS saying that
> there is a guy beside you, holding your luggage for you ;-))

Oh great idea, in the process incapacitate by tazing all of the baggage
handlers as you bag makes its way to the luggage hold.  :)

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