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Re: [Full-Disclosure] And how long have buffer overflows been around?

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 10:33:27 EST, Glenn_Everhart@xxxxxxxxxxx  said:
> There were rumors that the NT kernel was originally called Mica at DEC
> and that the code was in fact brought bodily to Microsoft, having 
> been originally designed to be a VMS followon. If that is true you could
> say that the security design was in fact that of VMS V1, which dates

The only problem with that theory is that VMS *had* a security design, and
there isn't one in NT.  The only design overlap there is that Microsoft got
some of the VMS design team to come on board for Win/NT.  NT got stuck with
having to be backward-combatable with Win 3.1, and you can fill in the blanks
from there....

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