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Re: [Full-Disclosure] RE: By passing surf control

I do the ssh bypass everyday at work ;) works absolutely perfect hehehe.

ssh -C -L 8080:anon.proxyserver.com:3128 user@host.com
export -p http_proxy= ; lynx www.google.com

Connect your browser to 3128 and fwd over ssh tunnel and out anon proxy addy out on the net . . .. you get the idea.

hope this helps.


Otero, Hernan (EDS) wrote:

That is very easy if you can have a machine in the net with ssh server...

With a standard proxy that support CONNECT METHOD (Typically HTTPS
connections) using putty and a ssh server listening in port 443 you can
forward any port via tunneling.

Look at your logs looking for an endless HTTPS connection..., with tons of



-----Original Message-----
From: Kudakwashe Chafa-Govha [mailto:KChafa-Govha@bankunitedfla.com] Sent: Miércoles, 25 de Febrero de 2004 17:04
To: 'pen-test@securityfocus.com'
Subject: By passing surf control

Hello Group,

Does anyone have any information on how to by pass a web content filter? We use Surf Control to monitor and filter web content. However, I have one of my users who was able to by pass this. We tried using a proxy to by pass just for testing purposes but it did not work. I am still trying to figure out what other method he used to do so. If anyone has any information , it will be greatly appreciated.



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