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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Advisory 02/2004: Trillian remote overflows -> maybe this is off-topic, but...


On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 08:23:44PM -0500, Luke Schierer wrote:
> Jeff is absolutely correct. We've given them yahoo code, they have given 
> us yahoo code.  Sean Egan and one of their heads, a guy named Scott, are 
> on good terms.  no theft either way involved here.
> luke

There is actually one little problem... Eric Warmenhoven, the guy who commited
the yahoo code had no clue that this code is used by Trillian. Noone from the
GAIM team except himself has the right to dual license his code. And the second 
thing is: take a close look on the commit messages:

It a) references external persons

rev 1.11: Valdis Kletnieks (sysphrog) suggested this fix. 
This seems really odd to me. Typical Yahoo.

(The fix is actually only a "+1" fix)

b) has mysterious comments...

rev 1.12: this seems... i don't know.

(sounds to me like... Hmmm got this code commited it, but don't know if or why
it is better)

Stefan Esser


 Stefan Esser                                        s.esser@e-matters.de
 e-matters Security                         http://security.e-matters.de/

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