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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Probes on port 389

This was noted on the ISC diary page yesterday Paul.

Lee Fisher

-Paul wrote-

I threw up a quick rule on snort to monitor probes on port 389 because I
have been seeing entries in /var/log/messages on some boxes that I am
responsible for.  This morning we had a probe that hit 26205 different
IPs on that port in about 7 minutes (SYN scan only - no payload.)  The
source IP was a mailserver in England.  (They've been notified.)

Shortly afterwards we had a probe from one IP to one IP.  The source IP
is a Sprint PCS address.  The dest IP is one of our Win2k3 DCs.

I looked at the Internet Storm Center, and port 389 probes aren't
showing up there.  I checked Securityfocus for any LDAP exploits, and
the most recent one is the Ipswitch LDAP daemon overflow.  I checked for
Active Directory exploits and the most recent one is back in July of
last year.

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