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Re: [Full-Disclosure] W32.Netsky-B.worm spreading (name may vary)

No coincidence. All of my gateways stopped alerting on Bagle after applying this DAT. On the phone with NAI right now...

Pete Fanning wrote:
Maybe I'm paranoid, but after applying DAT 4325 to my Webshield server this morning to catch this new worm I all of a suddon STOPPED catching Bagle.B.

Maybe just a coincedence....maybe not.....

Pete Fanning
MATC Technical Services
Internet: fanningp@matc.edu

Peter Kruse<kruse@krusesecurity.dk> 2/18/2004 7:57:28 AM >>>

Hi All,

This is a heads up.

A small modification of NetSky-A has started spreading in some european
countries. Check your favorite AV-vendor for further details.

Peter Kruse

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