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Re: [Full-Disclosure] How much longer?

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Hello List, Clint, Gregory,

thx for OFF TOPIC comment, by the way I'm from Poland.

It was ironic, for fun or not, we can't say 'it's impossible'.
I said "US located", cause M$ is located in US. This is
possible in Poland/Germany and other countries too.

Rafal Lesniak

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Gregory A. Gilliss wrote:

>                     WARNING TO LIST: OFF TOPIC!
> Clint,
> NOT cool ... remember, information should be free ;-)
> Next time, before you start calling names, how about considering the
> other person's perspective and ask yourself what *you* would think if
> you were half a planet away with different information resources?
> The poster states very clearly that he is not a native English speaker.
> The return address points to Germany. If you are well traveled, if you
> even own a passport (and only fifteen percent of Americans have one)
> then you would realize how completely different the perception of America
> is from *outside* the fish bowl. Between linguistic differences (the
> German language, for example, puts the verb at the end of the sentence,
> a la postfix notation) and the different perceptions other people
> receive of the United States in their news and other media, it should
> be no surprise to you that someone from another country might suppose
> that America has an unofficial government policy in place to facilitate
> this kind of behind-the-scenes hand holding.
> And just to make you *really* cringe, I can't prove it, but I believe
> he's correct. 'nuf said.
> There's already a perception of the "ugly American". Please don't
> behave in a manner to further reinforce that stereotype.
> Flames > /dev/null
> G
> --
> Gregory A. Gilliss, CISSP                              E-mail: 
> greg@gilliss.com
> Computer Security                             WWW: 
> http://www.gilliss.com/greg/
> PGP Key fingerprint 2F 0B 70 AE 5F 8E 71 7A 2D 86 52 BA B7 83 D9 B4 14 0E 8C 
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