Hi, > For those who think more people less security, why don't > you TEACH. There are plenty of people who need to learn, > this gripe is lame. And what happens when the old security > people die off or retire, we need to train new ones. This > sounds like the old cogger network, I think we can learn just fine by ourselves, thanks. There is no worry of some 'art' being lost when security experts die off. The talented ones will always learn with or without the help of others - is this not one of the things in the very definition of a hacker? Claiming there is some need for teaching is rather silly. Did the current old timers need constant mentoring to get to their current level of knowledge? No. Then why should a younger generation of hackers? It is my belief that this kind of thing can only be taught effectively by oneself, anyway. The gripe regarding the ubiquity of stupidity and ignorance is a valid one, but only because of the increased number of people in the field. This is not for the lack of intelligent people out there, already trying to learn all they can (and hopefully not from lists like this :P) There shall not be an 'old codger network'. People with clues just become increasingly hard to find in the haystack, as has always been the case as time goes on. These people will come from all ages. Just my thoughts. First FD post, probably last :) -- PGP: http://spacecake.hypermart.net/pgp/ishikodzume.pubkey.asc
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