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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Interesting side effect of the new IE patch

Cael Abal wrote:

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| They, fiat and others that used the M$ non-stanard as a basis upon
| to build, deserve exactly what they decided to buty into and not
| research.  That's what a company gets for buying into the tales their
| local-sales-lizard spews and thinking all those polished and glossy
| brochures are dead set facts.  They need to re-evaluate their lack
of a
| 'grains of salt' procurement processes.

It amazes me what sorts of supremely goofy ideas come to fruition --
http://buy@fiat.com ?  That was a horrible idea, and the tech person
who signed off on it absolutely deserves the wrath of Fiat.

Just because you may be able to power up your computer by shorting a
pair of contacts on your motherboard with a paperclip doesn't mean
you should.

Absolutely agree. At a time, there was a huge German web hosting firm that also pushed these "@-URLs" to customers telling them how cute it would be to have the same web address as their email addy was... (like http://you@yourdomain.de) I do not know how successful it was but hope not very... have not seen the ad lately.

* dr. Szilveszter Adam * adam@nhh.org.hu * http://www.nhh.org.hu/ *
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