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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Email

On Feb 4, 2004, at 9:49 AM, Jos Osborne wrote:

Add to this privacy issues - they have to open up the e-mail to scan it
- and you end up with a fairly horrible problem.

Yeah, if you have a crack team of virus analyzing monkeys sitting in the
back, opening up and manually checking every single piece of mail coming
through your network, you might have some privacy -- and load -- problems.

But then again, you might have bigger problems.

- Damian

I work for an ISP that receives over 2 million emails a day. I can promise that I could give a rats ass about reading any customer email...I can hardly keep up with reading my own.

As far as virus scanning, it is almost required for ISP's to do it now as infected customers become a strain on network resources. Just image 10,000 customers spewing virus spam via your smtp gateways as fast as they can handle it, and then having to deal with a couple of million bounce messages.

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