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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Yahoo Geocities allowing scam sites?


I usually try here: Content Violation Reporting Form:


quite a pain to find it, though. They aren't that responsive, so don't get overexcited..



Not exactly on topic, but WTF is up with www.e-qo1d.com <http://www.e-qo1d.com> ? it is an e-gold scam site, and it is hosted on yahoo geocities servers, using a premium hosting package. I (and at least 2 others) have sent emails to yahoo about it when it first came to our attention (Jan 22nd), but nothing has been done about it, and it is still up, and still on yahoo servers. Does yahoo just not care anymore, or what?

On a side note, it is f-ing impossible to find contact point for yahoo
geocities' abuse department - the email is lited no-where in their
help...  I finally foundnd it at abuse.net, but I would think an abuse
contact point would be something pretty damn basic...

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