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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Culprit Bio: Perfect Storm Averted or Just Ahead?

On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 22:59, Cael Abal wrote:
> Hi Henrik,
> 8086 asm and Forth knowledge, although less common these days, isn't 
> necessarily an indicator of shining intelligence or insight.  And as 
> for your 'great knowledge' comment -- the sad reality is this: It 
> really doesn't take a whole lot of skill to implement a Windows worm.

'Great knowledge' isn't the words I'm looking for.. My english was a bit
off. What I meant was that sertainly this fellow has some skills.

> It's a bit presumptuous to say with any certainty the cvs tag was a 
> plant -- people make dumb/costly mistakes.  Personally, I could care 
> less about whether or not the mydoom author is caught -- there are 
> thousands of kids ready to take his/her spot.

Well. I think that this fellow has shown enough thoroughness (from what
I read here at full-disclosure. I havent had the time to analyse the
worm myself yet) to at least check for dumb and costly mistakes. But I
might be wrong - I just think that a person that says "Look! The name
'Andy' is in there! And there is some Forth.. Hm.. If we find a
Forth-programmer named Andy - we have him!!" is...well...way off. :)

And personally I don't care either. I could care less if SCO or
Microsoft gets DDoS:ed.. Likewise, I won't cry if those multinational
coorporations loose some money cause they can't handle a few million
e-mails ;)

Henrik Persson <nix@syndicalist.net>

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