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Re: [Full-Disclosure] antivirus s/w


On 27 Jan 2004 06:51:55 -0800 merlyn@stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz)

>> Patrick> 1. I'm trying to decide on an AV solution for a campus wide
>> n/w. Patrick> I'm basically looking for something that'll respond as
>> quick as Patrick> possible to new viruses. I'm currently evaluating
>> NAV, and Fprot. Patrick> Any other suggestions/recomendations?
> PLEASE MAKE SURE that it doesn't send email responses.
> I'm getting 500 mydoom an hour.  I can filter those.
> I'm getting 1500 AV-responses an hour.  I can't filter those.
> AV response email is PART OF THE PROBLEM now, not PART OF THE

e.g. with Postfix MTA you can use the mime_header_checks filtering quite
successful and without response mails. And most times it's effective
even without pattern updates...

(beware of possible line breaks)

mime_header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mime_header_checks


### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# known viri
 DISCARD  Found Sobig.F virus - clean your computer.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# temp. virus blocks
/^.*name="?(doc|message|readme|text|test|document)\.zip"?/i DISCARD Probably 
found Novarg/MyDoom virus - clean your computer or re-send attachment with 
different name.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# executables
 DISCARD Found executable attachment. Re-send packed in ZIP archive if valid 
 DISCARD Found executable attachment - probably virus. Re-send packed in ZIP 
archive if valid requirement.


Volker Tanger

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