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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Eushop Scam - how big is this scheme?


The way to stop this would be to contact their host with documentation of the scam and have their site shut down.


Nancy Kramer
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At 12:30 PM 1/19/2004, Tobias Weisserth wrote:
Dear subscribers,

I have read an article in "Der Spiegel"[1] about a scam with a
webshop[2] I thought might arouse interest here.

The "owner" of this shop is supposed to be a woman from Munich, Germany.
She happens to know nothing about running a shop on the Internet and
reported this to the local police in Munich.

The webservers of this shop are located in Texas, USA and there seems to
be another stakeholder sitting in Portugal. The name that this person
has identified itself with, seems to be that of a famous US basketball
trainer, so this may be a fake too.

Customers are supposed to give their credit card numbers or pay cash in
advance which goes to this address in Portugal.

I'm interested in your thoughts since this shop looks not too much like
a scam at first sight and the fact that the people "behind" the shop
exist may provide trust for potential customers.

The police in Germany doesn't seem to be too eager to act on this story.

What's the quickest way to put an end to something like this if someone
is using your name for a scam like this? I mean, this could happen to
virtually anyone.

kind regards,
Tobias W.

[1] http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/0,1518,282148,00.html
(German language)
[2] http://www.eushop-online.com/

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