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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Re: January 15 is Personal Firewall Day, help the cause

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Wes Noonan wrote:

> This is not quite correct. Nachia and Blaster, as well as Code Red and its
> variants are all detectable and preventable with virus protection.

All of those are Windows viruses, no?

> While
> they may not stop the worm on the network, they can and do stop systems from
> becoming infected and propagating the worm.

So does mounting /tmp noexec, and it doesn't involve shelling out money
to AV vendors.  Mounting /tmp noexec also protects against future threats,
not just ones that happen to be in the AV database.

(I know that someone recently released code to do a "user-space" exec,
so mounting /tmp noexec is not 100% foolproof, but it's pretty good


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