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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Professional Groups

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 16:35, Daniel Sichel wrote:
>         >  
>         > They exist to keep wages high, standards uniform, and entry to the 
> job restricted. What else does a union do?
>         >  
>         > Dan Sichel, Network Engineer
>         > Ponderosa Telephone Company
>         > (559) 868-6367

Artificially high wages and restricted entry to jobs are a sure way to
get jobs sent overseas.
I see that GM today recalled 800,000 cars, I guess if standards weren't
uniform then they'd only have had to recall 400,000 cars. And ask any
auto worker or steel worker if their union has helped to prevent plants
closing and jobs moving to other countries.

This is a discussion that has continued for years and years, and there's
no point carrying it on here. I'll be watching for the news that Network
Engineers at Ponderosa Telephone Company have formed a union, or that
the jobs have all been outsourced to a non-unionized third party.


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