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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Team Bugtraq Security Challenge

Is this guy a m0r0n or what?

-----Original Message-----
From: "phased" [mailto:phased@mail.ru]
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:37 AM
To: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Subject: Fw: [Full-Disclosure] Team Bugtraq Security Challenge

Yeah you are, not funny

-----Original Message-----
From: <catfood@hushmail.com>
To: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Date: Fri,  9 Jan 2004 14:04:40 -0800
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Team Bugtraq Security Challenge

> Recently it has come to my attention that a nefarious group termed "Team
> Bugtraq Security" has insulted my good name by devising a comparison
> between Cat Food and the security know-how of Squirrelmail GPG Plugin
> Team. Reference the following quote:
> "This particular example is within the GPG subsystem of Squirrelmail,
>  often installed by security "experts" who in actuality have the
> security knowledge of cat food."
> This implies that Cat Food does not have adequate information security
> know-how. Team Bugtraq Security has posted this insult for all to read
> at thier fancy new webpage:
> http://www.bugtraq.org/advisories/_BSSADV-0001.txt
> In order to rectify this insult, I hereby demand that Team Bugtraq
> make ammends in one of the following manners:
> 1. Cat Food Challenge at Defcon 2004 
> 2. Allow us to murder them
> We herby decree that the challenge at Defcon will take place in my hotel
> room, #3245 at the Palasades Hotel. The challenge will be who can eat
> the most cat food in a 24 hour period. On our team, we have the famous
> Marty Roesch, the winner of the Newsham County Chicken Wing Eating Contest
> of 2001 and 2002. Marty is a world renown chicken wing eater. You should
> hear him snort when he is eating chicken wings. That's where his wife
> got the name for his shadow ripoff. As he will soon be out of work due
> to financial difficulties at his present place of employement[1]. You
> can view an image of his corpulent body[2] at the following link: 
> http://www.securite.org/csw/core01/t-marty-nico.jpg
> Your team has a bunch of skinny pussies with long hair and pimply faces.
> We will kick your asses. We will have the respect we deserve. Marty will
> eat you. 
> Respectfully,
> Cat Food
> http://www.13cats.com/mailinglist2.asp 
> [1] who the hell would BUY something, when you can get it for FREE? Great
> business model, upgrade from something that is free, to something that
> costs 50k. We can trick customers with a bunch of fancy looking ROI excel
> sheets and a dimebag of good bud.
> [2] Aside, this is done primarily to drive fear into the hearts of Team
> Bugtraq Security.  
> Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
> FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2
> Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
> https://www.hushmail.com/services.php?subloc=messenger&l=434
> Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program: 
> https://www.hushmail.com/about.php?subloc=affiliate&l=427
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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