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RE: [inbox] RE: [Full-Disclosure] 3 new MS patches next week...
- To: "David Bartholomew" <dfbarth@akiva.com>, <full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com>
- Subject: RE: [inbox] RE: [Full-Disclosure] 3 new MS patches next week...
- From: "Exibar" <exibar@thelair.com>
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 12:17:23 -0500
> This really long 'form action' item
> http://www.citibank.com:achaaa9uwdtyazjwvwaaaa9p398haaa9uwdtyazjwv
> waboundpyw
> wgc2l6zt00pjxtvgc2l6zt00pjxywwgc2l6zt00pjxt398haaa9uwdtyazjwvwaaou
> ndpywwgc2l
> 6zt00pjxtvgc2l6zt00pjxvgc2l6zt00pjxt@
> obviously contains the 0x01 exploit. What I'm curious about is the HUGE
> amount of crap in between the : and the @ sign. I mean, if the
> 0x01 exploit
> is 'good enough', what's with the extra characters?
The above http: line doesn't make use of the 0x01 exploit. In order to make
use of that exploit, you NEED "0x01" in there just before the @ symbol. The
above link only makes use of of a "feature" of using the @ symbol to pass
credentials. All the gibberish that you see in the link is a poor attempt
to mask the actual address it's going to. When you click on the link,
you'll see "" in the browser's address bar.
If it was using the 0x01 expoilt you'd see "http://www.citibank.com" in the
address bar.
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