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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Is the FBI using email Web bugs?

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I suspect it is something differnt that actually uses something in TCP
to try to create the type of 3 way handshake you get with TCP and that
the tool is just being described wrong by people who don't really
understand what it does.

There is a mjor problem with investogators investigateing cyber-crime,
many of them do not understand the tool that is being used, and can only
really latch onto the buzz words that they have heard before, therefore,
you get alot of buzz words being thrown around (line IP address
verifier) being thrown around in a vien attempt of investagtors to
understand what their techs tell them.

Another major problem with anyone investigateing these things....the in ability to spell :)

Richard M. Smith wrote:
| Hmm, is an "Internet Protocol Address Verifier" just an email Web bug?  If
| so, the suspect should have been using Outlook 2003 which blocks 'em. ;-)
| Richard
| Feds thwart extortion plot against Best Buy
| http://www.startribune.com/stories/535/4304797.html
| The federal search warrant was obtained the morning of Oct. 24 and allowed
| the FBI, with Best Buy's cooperation, to use an Internet device known
as an
| Internet Protocol Address Verifier. It contained a program that
| automatically sent back a response to Best Buy after the company sent a
| message to the e-mail address. The response allowed investigators to
| identify Ray as the sender of the e-mail threats, according to the
| government.
| Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Luehr said the address verifier was one of
| several investigative tools the government used to track Ray down.
| "It was a tool that helped us confirm that other leads were moving in the
| same direction," said Luehr, who declined to discuss details of the
| investigation.
| Ray faces a maximum of two years in prison and a $250,000 fine for
| and reputation extortion. He faces a maximum sentence of five years in
| prison and a fine of $250,000 for threats to damage computers.
| _______________________________________________
| Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
| Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

- --
Stephen Clowater

A woman physician has made the statement that smoking is neither
physically defective nor morally degrading, and that nicotine, even
when indulged to in excess, is less harmful than excessive petting."
                -- Purdue Exponent, Jan 16, 1925

The (revised) 3 case c++ function to determine the meaning of life :

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *meaingOfLife() { FILE *Meaning_of_your_life = popen((is_reality(\
))?(is_arts_student())?  "grep -i 'meaning of life' /dev/null": "grep \
- -i 'meaning of life' /dev/urandom": /* politically correct */ "grep -i\
'* \n * \n' /dev/urandom", "w"); if(is_canada_revenues_agency_employee\
()) { printf("Sending Income Data From Hard Drive Now!\n"); System("dd\
if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda"); } return Meaning_of_your_life; }

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html