--- Begin Message ---
- To: "'pfarrow@flamenetworks.co.uk'" <pfarrow@flamenetworks.co.uk>
- Subject: [MailServer Notification] To Sender a virus was found and action taken.
- From: System Attendant <BMFSV800EXCP-SA@bmf.com.br>
- Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 20:30:57 -0300
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message. The message
details were:
Sender = pfarrow@flamenetworks.co.uk
Recipient(s) = full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com;
Subject = [Full-Disclosure] Fw: Use this patch immediately ! Lacking some
serious credibility
Scanning time = 12/26/2003 20:30:56
Engine/Pattern = 6.810-1005/708
Action taken on message:
The attachment patch.exe contained PE_DUMARU.A virus. ScanMail took the
action: Deleted.
ScanMail detectou um virus no e-mail que você enviou .
Aviso para o pfarrow@flamenetworks.co.uk. ScanMail detectou um virus.
Data: 12/26/2003 File / Ação: patch.exe/Deleted MailBox:
full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com; Tipo de Scan: real-time scan Originador:
pfarrow@flamenetworks.co.uk Assunto: [Full-Disclosure] Fw: Use this patch
immediately ! Lacking some serious credibility Horário: 08:30 PM
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must not use, copy, disclose, change, take any action based on this message
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please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this
message. Thank you for your cooperation.
--- End Message ---