Hi, In your last email you said lots of things , so i will reply each of them: >>>>>> As it seems in your last posts, you are obsessed with *kiddies* and you blame about exploits downloaded from Web. I'm go to ignore that you say about (your afinity to) Neworder (xD). Is Neworder a guru security site? xDD You talk about NSRG (.::-No Secure Root Group Security Research-::.), and you sign with his URL (http://www.nsrg-security.com), and as i see, in your *downloads* section ( http://www.nsrg-security.com/downloads/ ), you store Unix Exploits, Win32 Exploits, and a Trojan (SubSeven, xD. I remind it as a toy of my infance that I alternate whit Lego). And you talk in *Papers* section about 'Cross Site Scripting', 'SQL Injection' and 'Hotmail Hacking'. Thanks again for remember my infance. And you blame about kiddies ??? What is that, a challenge about who is the best kiddie??? You recruit them in your site, or you have any kind of envie about XFteam??? It's possible that they can be *kiddies*. BUT is sure that you are one. >>>>>>> You are wrong , sorry . You say you are going to ignore my afinity with Neworder , but , i dont have relaion with that site ! xD You must think that there are lots of security rsources: - Root Shell - RootSecure - SecurityFocus , etc I check them everyday , you said too : " neworder a guru site ? " this indicates you are the kiddie here , you are talking about guru websites but i think you must go back to drawing board before using that terms ( did you see somebody using it here , in FD ? i think no ). About the things you said related with NSRG site downloads section, i said that xfteam uses exploits stored in a server ( from brasil ) to exploit others and you replied saying we provide exploits ,ok , yes we provide exploits , specially shellcodes not full exploits. Another thing , you said something about SubSeven , its not subseven , so , compare the binary please ( do you know dissasemblers ? xD ) and will find that that file provides only reporting to a cgi script that is used by our RCS ( do you know remote control suits ? xD ) , Trylobite. You talked about our papaers section , you said thanks for remember your infance , which ? the drawing board can be ? xD ( you like so much to write -> xD ). >>>> Yes, yor friend Daniel is the funniest. I saw that you grouped with more *kiddies*. >>>> If you have something to say about Daniel contact him but not blame him if he doesn't see your offenses. This is his email: dan@nsrg-security.com >>>> You install debian packages by hand ??? Wow !!! Try to build it from scratch, you will surprise about what linux is. (Yes from tarballs. http://www.linuxpeople.cc/howto/tarhowto.htm . I think you will see this Howto usefull). >>>> You can find an useful howto in this address : ( howto-rmember-infnace-without-insanity ) http://www.microsoft.com/security/protect/ and another one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/webguide/schools/subcat.shtml?healthsocialcare/ks41618/0 more: http://www.floppiesforkiddies.org/ and why not remember the mean of script kidie: "--> A person, normally someone who is not technologically sophisticated, who randomly seeks out a specific weakness over the Internet in order to gain root access to a system without really understanding what it is s/he is exploiting because the weakness was discovered by someone else. A script kiddie is not looking to target specific information or a specific company but rather uses knowledge of a vulnerability to scan the entire Internet for a victim that possesses that vulnerability. <--" I think no body ( excepts you ? ) is related with this. I think i can call your mother for ask she about your nights seeking for rpc vulnerable boxes.... xD -- And , why you don't think that we can discuss private ? i think the people of FD don't want to see us writing no-sense e-mail against others ( this time you ) If you want we can continue this by private email between us but not disturbing a public list. ---- From quotd.... "gazpa"-cho "realizado con tomates naturales de Rivas Vaciamadrid" _______ Best regards , ------------------------------- 0x00->Lorenzo Hernandez Garcia-Hierro 0x01->\x74\x72\x75\x6c\x75\x78 0x02->The truth is out there, 0x03-> outside your mind . __________________________________ PGP: Keyfingerprint 4ACC D892 05F9 74F1 F453 7D62 6B4E B53E 9180 5F5B ID: 0x91805F5B ********************************** \x6e\x73\x72\x67 \x73\x65\x63\x75\x72\x69\x74\x79 \x72\x65\x73\x65\x61\x72\x63\x68 http://www.nsrg-security.com ______________________
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