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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Shortcut...... may cause 100% cpu use!!!

Personnaly, I think Bipin's case is a lost case.

Just laugh and take it easy ...

Thanks to Bipin for making us happy.

  Maxime Ducharme
  Administrateur reseau, Programmeur

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim" <tim-security@sentinelchicken.org>
To: "Bipin Gautam" <door_hUNT3R@blackcodemail.com>
Cc: <full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com>; <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Shortcut...... may cause 100% cpu use!!!

> LOL.  Think about what you are saying to me.
> > >I haven't looked at your shortcut file(s) yet, but it sounds like the
> And yes, I admitted, I hadn't looked at your files.  For a vulnerability
> such as you describe, it really wasn't worth my time.  After all, it was
> just a DoS, and there are already two known ways to acheive this with
> .lnk files.
> The point is, research is never done in a vacuum.  It is the duty of any
> researcher to understand the topic they are publishing on before they
> publish.  That includes knowing about any other published research in
> that area, even if it isn't the same information.  You have added about
> 5 cents worth of knowledge to what was already known about shortcut
> files.  However, the casual reader might think that you came up with
> this all on your own.  Are you taking complete credit for finding this
> problem without any knowledge of previous work?  If so, then you are
> foolish for wasting your time in not looking for others' work
> beforehand.  Afterall, there is information out there that would have
> made this particular find trivial.
> On the other hand, if you did use the previous work to learn about the
> topic and to find your own bug, then you are ripping off those others
> who did all of the hard work for you.  Nothing wrong with publishing
> anyway, but you should *credit your sources*.  That is how research is
> done.  Each researcher builds on previous work in order to bring more
> knowledge to humanity.
> So, you are either a fool, or a plagiarist.  Take your pick.
> tim
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