: > Especially since the majority of OSX users will employ the GUI : > firewall configuration application as their primary form of : > Internet protection. : > : : You have numbers? Big statement. The majority of OSX users *I* know : have their own custom ipfw script. :) I would agree, except I've been spending some time on the Apple Discussion boards lately, and, well, holy shit but there are a ton of OS X users there who don't know dick about the underlying BSD architecture. No, I don't have numbers, but the person on those boards who actually uses Terminal is few and far between. I think a lot of *nix users have adopted OS X (or plan to), but ALL the freaking existing Classic users are still there, and they are just as bad as your typical Windoze user. Worse maybe, because they've been informed that they don't have to think about security because no one ever hacks Macs (which is starting to change ;-) Just my $0.02. -- aka Dolph Longhorn attica@stackheap.org GPG Key ID: 0xF8F859D0 http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xF8F859D0&op=index "There is no such thing as right and wrong, there's just popular opinion." -Jeffrey Goines
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