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Re: [Full-Disclosure] strange wordpad.exe behavior!
- To: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] strange wordpad.exe behavior!
- From: Nick FitzGerald <nick@virus-l.demon.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 18:32:40 +1300
Bipin Gautam <door_hUNT3R@blackcodemail.com> wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> i am using windowsxp at the moment!!!
How thrilling for you, I'm sure...
> the most surprising thing is... SOMETIMES! wordpad.exe crashes after
Nah -- sporadic and non-repeatable crashes are run-of-thw-mill for MS
software. Nothing surprising in that at all...
> executing the 'test.rtf' and sometimes... test.rtf opens but strangely
> ..... with garbage on the content [whose letter size is 0 so copy...
> paste the garbage to... see it's content!!!] MORE SURPRISING... [you
> must be dam lucky.....] try opening the test.rtf several times! if you
> are lucky and it doesn't crash and open......
> TRY, monitoring its content......... WELL, the garbage info. dispalyed
> in the file DOES CHANGE!!! IF YOU successfully try this several.........
> times!!!
> <can anyone explain me why does the garbage info. change if sometime it
> manage to successfully open, and how is it generated???>
Wasn't this investigated back in February of this year?
Like in the Bugtraq thread referenced here????
> seems like the tag that determines the size of file [ie: fs] get's
Reference to the RTF format specification:
would have told you that is "font size in half points":
and thus saved you guessing wrongly.
> mad... when it get's an invalid file size.......
Yes -- this was shown earlier this year to cause sporadically weird and
unstable behaviour. Please refer to the existing message thread in the
Bugtraq archives.
Anyway, congratulations on telling us this _again_...
Nick FitzGerald
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