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[Full-Disclosure] Off topic programming thread

Feel free to skip this message if you already know how to
use the internet and you are disinterested in the
programming thread that is currently filling your mailbox.
Sorry for wasting your time.

Can we move this irrelevant programming thread somewhere
where it is on-topic?  It may be interesting, but it belongs
on comp.programming or something.  I might be willing to
join in, but it doesn't belong here on FD.

This list is becoming the random chatter network.  It has a
purpose, you know.  You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
I'm sure it costs thousands of dollars for every post you
send.  Let's see...

How many people are on the list?  How much time does it take
to read a message?  What's their time worth?

I have minimum math skills, but I think I can do this one.
1 person * 1 minute * $60/hr/person = $6.  OMG, did I do
that right?  $6000 for every 1000 subscribers.  Plus most of
the list makes a lot more than that.  Especially in business
terms where you at least double the salary costs.  You guys

The internet is a really big place with a lot of different
interests.  This is why people created separate lists and
newsgroups o so long ago.

Hello, people!  Are you all brand new to the internet?  I
can't believe that I need to waste all of the serious
people's time telling you this.  But apparently I do.
Again, I think.

I would have just responded to the prior posters, but the
list seems full of people who want to tell us about anything
but vulnerabilities and associated whatnot.  I guess it's
worth one mass bitch.  Please listen this once.  Please.
Post things where they belong.  You will get a better
response and it will save the world a lot of time and

God help the next f00l who posts their k00l spam for me to
look at.  You freakin script monkeeys.  Go back to
antionline.  It keeps JP busy so he doesn't post here.

Do y'all want to talk about making pottery next?  I hear you
need to get the kiln real hot.  Is this true?  Can I do it
at home with newspaper logs kind of like home brewing?  How
about growing corn.  Does it take a lot of effort or what?
Can I plant popcorn?  I'm very curious about these things.

Back to your thread:
> BRETT: Are you trying to say that the standard library
> is badly written?

I will say it.  Your risk management system is shoddy as
well.  Not that I'm blaming you.  Been there.  Done that.
Felt the pain.  Probably do it again.

It's poor quality.  Tell the truth.

Here's a bonus on the dead man.  Find someplace in your risk
management system where there is a divide by 2.  Change it
to a shift right instead and it will fly like the wind.
They'll love you (put a comment in there or it will drive
people nuts).  Please send something to charity for this
strenuous brain noodling.

> BILL made a funny: find out how many come from Ada

ADA?  You must have meant something that people use all the
time like DIBOL or LISP.
Your ever cranky friend,

P.S. I've been around the block long enough to know that
several of you will just have to flame me: Please save money
and flame me personally.  Everyone already knows you hate
me.  Oh, well.  I'll steal your soul in the end.  Everyone
hates me.  I'll flame myself and save you the trouble.

P.P.S.  Even tho I'm going to flame Lorenzo in a minute, at
least he posts on-topic.  Wild and wacky, but on-topic.

P.P.P.S.   I wish people wouldn't tempt Mortis to be
naughty.  Mortis needs to be behave.

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