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Re: Linux (in)security (Was: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: No Subject)

* Bassett, Mark (mbassett@omaha.com) [031024 12:37]:
> I think something we are also forgetting is that statistically *nix
> users are people who are computer geeks.  Average joe #1 buys his pc
> from Best buy pre-loaded with windows XP and has no clue how to install
> it.  Currently vendor pre-loaded *nix machines aren't very popular,
> which means in order to have linux on your machine, you must
> download/purchase it and load it yourself.  Most people don't want to
> mess with the hassle of the whole thing, aside from the fact that it
> doesn't play new game #1313413.  All this means is that the *typical*
> *nix user knows what they are doing and therefore knows to keep the
> machine updated. 
> --These same users on Windows (and who probably also run windows boxes)
> would also be unaffected by the rash of 'sploits-- 
> Until we start seeing vendor pre-loads going to Joe Blow, *nix will
> still be the O/S of servers, and geeks. (no offense to geeks out there,
> I'm one too ;) )  

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Benjamin Krueger

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