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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Foundstone Labs to Release Absolutely FREE Tool

With apologies to South Park, that is *so* weak.

Marketing tactics like this *always* backfire on the company because 
information wants to be free. Actually, allow me to correct myself:
this is not marketing; this is manipulative and fraudulent. People with
a conscience can and will expose the people who suggest these tactics for
the conniving weasels that they are! 

I think that the security community can learn a lesson from this and many
other examples too numerous to cite: when the bus-dev people start calling
the shots, the skilled technical people look elsewhere for an environment
where they can do what they do best, namely produce results without concern
for the bottom line. For information security companies that want to remain
in the field, I suggest that you begin posting requirements for technical
team lead types of managers, namely people who will protect the engineers
from the MBAs.


On or about 2003.10.19 10:28:00 +0000, Jeremiah Cornelius (jeremiah@nur.net) 

> On Friday 17 October 2003 15:16, Ronald McDownload wrote:
> > This leaked Foundstone e-mail makes great reading, and ties in nicely 
> > with the spam^H^H^H^Hmarketing..
> I think that it is pretty well understood that the best and brightest have 
> gone from FS. 

Gregory A. Gilliss, CISSP                             Telephone: 1 650 872 2420
Computer Engineering                                   E-mail: greg@gilliss.com
Computer Security                                                ICQ: 123710561
Software Development                          WWW: http://www.gilliss.com/greg/
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