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Re: [Full-Disclosure] NASA.GOV SQL Injections

Corporate politics are one thing, and certainly a pain.  Real gov related
working env's have a totally *different* political perspective.  Think of
it like this;  for the most part, politicians are lifers.  once elected,
they will be in the game for pretty much the rest of their life, nevermind
any scandals, as the voting public tends to have a short memory.

But, I agree, there are some folks, on the technical end that want to do
their jobs and do their jobs well and take pride in their work.  Course,
we soon learn, rather then 'tell' someone you are going to impliment
something, just silent;y do it, otherwise you are in a wolrd of political
time warp as parties fight for dominion  over the implimentation, and it
gets so distorted that the functionality is lost once the meetings and
group wars are completed.  If you do and tell not, most often the most
fallout that comes is you are forced to undo, until it's seen that shits
on the fan at the backout and mgt begs/demands that the stopgates are
replaced <smile>.

Yes, I could tell some tales, but, then it's gonna take a few Hienkens for
me to feel comfy enough to just spew it forth <grin>.

But, seriously, google on GAO and pay mind to 'audits', that's a tale in
and of itself, and ongoing....


Ron DuFresne

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Gregory A. Gilliss wrote:

> FWIW my experience with NASA, while limited, has been equivalent to many
> large private sector organizations. The rank and file people, including
> Directors and Assistant Directors, are intelligent, conscientious people
> who run headlong into uncaring, frustrating upper management bureaucrats
> who cannot or will not listen to their input. Also, because the organization
> is broken up into several regional and sectional groups, political rivalries
> have developed that get in the way of organizational goals. Like I said,
> same thing as corporate America: politics as usual.
> "We are the people our parents warned us about."
> G
> On or about 2003.10.17 13:03:52 +0000, Ron DuFresne (dufresne@winternet.com) 
> said:
> > Of course, one might think the same thing about the FED gov and the
> > various states govs.  Untill one looks at pay rates, and how they compare
> > to the private sector.  And that pays little or no mind to the POLITICS in
> > such places.  One does not merely work in a gov related setting, one HAS
> > to play a political tightrope walk, with less the proportional pay that
> > private sector jobs provide.  Thus, when the OSB and GAO audits and their
> > released findings that make it into the headlines and before congress now
> > and then come as no surprise.  I did an interesting article on the state
> > of cyber security a year or so ago mentioning some of this  for TISC
> > Insight Newsletter, and a copy can be found at
> > http://sysinfo.com/sec-state.html.
> --
> Gregory A. Gilliss, CISSP                             Telephone: 1 650 872 
> 2420
> Computer Engineering                                   E-mail: 
> greg@gilliss.com
> Computer Security                                                ICQ: 
> 123710561
> Software Development                          WWW: 
> http://www.gilliss.com/greg/
> PGP Key fingerprint 2F 0B 70 AE 5F 8E 71 7A 2D 86 52 BA B7 83 D9 B4 14 0E 8C 
> A3
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