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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Gaim festival plugin exploit

On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 05:29:55PM +0200, error wrote:
> So a fixed version would look like this:
> AIM::register("Festival TTS", "0.0.1", "goodbye", "");
> AIM::print("Perl Says", "Loaded Festival TTS");
> AIM::command("idle", "60000") if ($pro ne "Offline");
> AIM::add_event_handler("event_im_recv", "synthesize");
> sub goodbye {
>       AIM::print("Module Unloaded", "Unloaded Festival TTS");
> }
> sub synthesize {
>     my $string = $_[0];
>     $string =~ s/\<.*?\>//g;
>     $string =~ s/\".*\"//;
>     $string =~ s/[^\w]//g;
>     system("echo \"$string\" | /usr/bin/festival --tts");
> }

Removing all the non-word characters is of course effective, but it 's a
little bit « restrictive » no ?

A less « restrictive » but still « secure » way might be to not use the
system() function at all :
  open(FESTIVAL, "|-", "/usr/bin/festival --tts");
  print FESTIVAL "$string\n";
  close FESTIVAL;

That way you keep your original message intact with the punctuation
characters, and you are immune to shell code injection... and ban this
system() call with only one argument :)


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