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RE: [Full-Disclosure] FW: Last Microsoft Patch

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Curt Purdy [mailto:purdy@tecman.com] 
        Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 2:05 PM
        To: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
        Subject: [Full-Disclosure] FW: Last Microsoft Patch
        Anybody else get this?  Looks legit, originating address is from
msnbc.com.  But can't believe even Microsoft would be this stupid after
the rash of trojan-attached "patch announcements" lately.  Plus all
security people have been saying that Microsoft would never email a
patch out.  Or are they thinking, "Send this out so all the stupid
people will click on this before they click on a real trojan?

        Curt Purdy CISSP, GSEC, MCSE+I, CNE, CCDA  

        And you wonder why I don't care about certs???


        Paul Schmehl (pauls@utdallas.edu)
        Adjunct Information Security Officer
        The University of Texas at Dallas
        AVIEN Founding Member