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[Full-Disclosure] Supposed SaS "encryption" weak - Coments and Infor about wrong claims

Dear Paul,
I've testing your exploit ( good one ) for the supposed html encryption weak
of SaS.
I think yo toke the exploit/perl script from a developers site because SaS
is using an standard of encoding,
here is the proof :
variables for function _fwk_filter_encrypt($content)
$table = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_@";
  $xor = 165;
as you see it's not encryption , so , you didn't cracked nothing....
you decoded it !
the script its not for protect sites information such as passwds or usrnames
, etc , it is stupid to use it for those things.
It is only a low protection for people that copy contents ( people that its
only interested in copying things ) and its not
for critical uses.
Another thing:
here is the code for prepare tables of encoding characters:
$table = array_keys(count_chars($table, 1));
  $i_min = min($table);
  $i_max = max($table);
  for ($c = count($table); $c > 0; $r = mt_rand(0, $c--))
    array_splice($table, $r, $c - $r, array_reverse(array_slice($table, $r,
$c - $r)));

the encode sequence:

$len = strlen($content);
  $word = $shift = 0;
  for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
    $ch = $xor ^ ord($content[$i]);
    $word |= ($ch << $shift);
    $shift = ($shift + 2) % 6;
    $enc .= chr($table[$word & 0x3F]);
    $word >>= 6;
    if (!$shift)
      $enc .= chr($table[$word]);
      $word >>= 6;
  if ($shift)
    $enc .= chr($table[$word]);

// Decode sequence
  $tbl = array_fill($i_min, $i_max - $i_min + 1, 0);
  while (list($k,$v) = each($table))
    $tbl[$v] = $k;
  $tbl = implode(",", $tbl);

  $fi = ",p=0,s=0,w=0,t=Array({$tbl})";
  $f  = "w|=(t[x.charCodeAt(p++)-{$i_min}])<<s;";
  $f .= "if(s){r+=String.fromCharCode({$xor}^w&255);w>>=8;s-=2}else{s=6}";

You see ?
So definately not encryption ,
you are wrong....
encoding , i know , is a shit form to protect things but its the easier and
fast form to bind a low protection system for contents.
here is the javascript used:
$r.= "function decrypt_p(x){";
  $r.= "var l=x.length,b=1024,i,j,r{$fi};";
  $r.= "}decrypt_p(\"{$enc}\")";

- I think , i can be sure checking this later , you copied the exploit code
from a developers site.
- You were first wrong saying that the Encryption system is cracked , asyou
see you dind't cracked nothing !!
you decoded a simple xor sequence w00w!
- Your claims saying i have lots of free time for [-] other sites[-] its
completely inapropiatted,
first of all:
- i don't make these things for famous , just for fun and hobby
- i don't say false things
- sometimes i'm wrong ( i'm human ) or lots of times ! but the important
thing is that i recognice my errors.

Thank you and next time do a better research.
Best regards to all the members of Ful-Disclosure.
0x00->Lorenzo Hernandez Garcia-Hierro
0x01->/* not csh but sh */
0x02->$ PATH=pretending!/usr/ucb/which sense
0x03-> no sense in pretending!
PGP: Keyfingerprint
4ACC D892 05F9 74F1 F453  7D62 6B4E B53E 9180 5F5B
ID: 0x91805F5B
No Secure Root Group Security Research Team

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