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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Friendly and secure desktop operating syste m

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 15:51:58 BST, Sam Pointer said:

> This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and are intended
> solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient you must

Hmm... I'm not the addressee.  And you might want to ask your legal eagles
if they think this disclaimer will count for much in court if you blindly stick 
on ALL mail, including posting to a world-wide mailing list.

And since I'm not the addressee....

> not disclose, forward, copy or take any action in reliance on this message
> or its attachments. If you have received this email in error please notify
> the sender as soon as possible and delete it from your computer systems.

Delete it? Hmm.. not as simple as that.  Your mail happened to arrive
before our backups ran, so it's out on tape as well.  Please specify how
much you are willing to pay to avoid another Ollie North situation:


(Also - "if you are not the intended recpient you must not...".  You *do*
realize that this means that if I receive your mail with this blanket
disclaimer, and I realize that George over in Sales is the right person to deal
with it, I have to delete it rather than forward it and get stuff done for you?
And if I *do* forward it to George, he has to delete it because he's not the

> and messages sent via this medium are potentially at risk.  All liability
> is excluded to the extent permitted by law for any claims arising as a re-
> sult of the use of this medium to transmit information by or to 
> HPD Software Limited or its affiliates.

Oh. Not willing to pay for it?  Isn't much I can do to help you then....

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