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Re: [Full-Disclosure] SPAM, credit card numbers, what would you do?

On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 09:48:40AM -0700, tedklugman@yahoo.com said:
> Lo and behold, I look at the root of said website, and
> I get a directory listing:
> submit.php
> orders.txt
> And as you can probably guess, orders.txt contains --
> ORDERS. Names, addresses, phone numbers, and CREDIT
> CARD NUMBERS. Dozens of them.
> So I got to thinking... what should I do here?
> a) Nothing. It's not my problem.
> b) Notify the provider who hosts the submission page
> c) Send e-mails to all the morons who tried to buy
> this "product" (their e-mail addresses are readily
> available, next to their credit card numbers), letting
> them know that they are morons and this is why they
> shouldn't buy products advertised in SPAM.
> d) Something else
> I chose option a.

I'd've done option c, coupled with an email to the security/fraud division of
Mastercard/Visa/Amex/Discover/etc. But then, I'm feeling altruistic today.
Must be the lack of user interaction so far.

(option b would probably be a complete waste of time. Also, if this had a
criminal/scam feel to it, I'd probably notify the FTC/FBI ... they have
reasonably responsive folks that deal with electronic fraud/scams. Too bad
they don't pay any attention to other kinds of network abuse ...)
Scott Francis || darkuncle (at) darkuncle (dot) net
      illum oportet crescere me autem minui

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