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Re: [Full-Disclosure] [A bug! update...] Whom to blame, the HTML interpreter or the JavaScript compiler?
- To: bipin gautam <visitbipin@yahoo.com>, Full-Disclosure@lists.netsys.com
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] [A bug! update...] Whom to blame, the HTML interpreter or the JavaScript compiler?
- From: jelmer <jkuperus@planet.nl>
- Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 20:36:14 +0200
This is the code you send
<p>THIS IS hUNT3R aka:Bipin Gautam, exploit revised by
document.write("<b>hUNTER &
Cyberdude</b></script><script>alert("it works 1");
alert("This works 2");
this gives an Unterminated string constant error followed by 2 alerts, which
is exactly what it should do
1. <script>document.write("<b>hUNTER & Cyberdude</b></script>
this gives the unterminated string constant, your simply not closing your
string, <b>hUNTER & Cyberdude never gets written out
2. <script>alert("it works 1"); alert("This works 2"); </script>
This is perfectly valid and thus executes
I really dont see what your trying to do or what the threat would be when
you got whatever your trying to do to work
----- Original Message -----
From: "bipin gautam" <visitbipin@yahoo.com>
To: <Full-Disclosure@lists.netsys.com>
Cc: <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] [A bug! update...] Whom to blame, the HTML
interpreter or the JavaScript compiler?
> --- [Effected] ---
> available up to this, relese DATE!
> --- [Proof of concept] ---
> We have made a small script. Check it out,
> http://www.cyberdude.com.np/javascript.htm
> --- [Bug Details] ---
> ********************************************
> <html>
> <body>
> <p>THIS IS hUNT3R aka: Bipin Gautam</p>
> </body>
> </html>
> ********************************************
> <html>
> <body>
> <p>THIS IS hUNT3R aka:Bipin Gautam, exploit revised by
> Cyberdude</p>
> <script>
> document.write("<b>hUNTER &
> Cyberdude</b></script><script>alert("it works 1");
> alert("This works 2");
> </script>
> </body>
> </html>
> *********************************************
> --[Description]---
> The browser is letting you compile some-thing inside
> the alert function. Well, its should show it anyways
> without compiling the script tag as it is inside the
> quotation. But surprising, the output is different! We
> found JavaScript compiler choked when we use the
> <script> tag inside a function like alert(); this also
> proves to be true for document.write(); function. This
> means that this script is going to choke bad and you
> wont get any output but just the ); that's all.
> This script is working. Its not that it is not
> working. It works in the starting script tag but when
> the html parses the script tag inside the
> document.write it goes mad coz nested scripting is not
> possible in HTML, the only nested tag in HTML must be
> the table tag, so in this script the HTML interpreter
> goes mad. but we can still insert the java script in
> it.
> What we did was, we inserted the closing tag of
> JavaScript </script> first closing the script tag that
> was opened already. After that we added the new
> starting <script> tag and wrote two alert tags now...
> So this is how we injected two alert tags in the java
> script.
> --- [Conclusion] ---
> This proves injection of JavaScript inside a
> JavaScript making it available to use the current
> variable and change some static values predefined and
> even access other function without a problem. This was
> just a small demo; we use this simple script to just
> stop it from printing garbage on the screen.
> --- [Background Information] ---
> This bug was originally discovered by hUNT3R,[myself]
> a member of 01 Security Submission. I would like to
> thank my friend 'Cyberdude' for further exploring it
> and taking it to a new Level.
> http://www.ysgnet.com/hn
> ---[I want a JOB/scholarship... anyone??? - hUNT3R]---
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