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Re: [Full-Disclosure] MS RPC remote exploit. What about DCOMbobulator?

-------- original msg -------------
Quoting opticfiber (opticfiber@topsight.net):
> It's come to my attetion that disablinf DCOM in windows is near 
> impossible without a regedit.

I am no m$win expert, but I think that runing 'dcomcfng' from a DOS
shell and clicking on 'Default Properties' and clearing 'Enable Dcom on this
Computer' window is enough. No regedits, no 'tiney little applications' 

You still need to patch the PC or install *nix on it though....
----------- end --------------

I'm not a professional or anything, but the last few Windows systems I have 
installed for people I have applied the following small registry 'patch' to 
them before going online to download the countless amounts of updates:

--- begin nodcom.reg ---

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


--- end nodcom.reg ---

I do agree that you still should patch it, but after the first time of going 
through an install only to be infected with the worm while downloading the 
updates was enough to drive a person mad.  This is a very simple workaround for 
something that IMHO isn't very severe any more.
