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[Full-Disclosure] RE: I've found the Allchin bug.

I know this my be a little aside from your post...
Where can one obtain the Interface UUID's for Microsoft products?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Korn [mailto:davek_throwaway@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 9:30 PM
To: vuln-dev@securityfocus.com; full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Cc: ivegotta@tombom.co.uk
Subject: I've found the Allchin bug.

[Refs: http://www.avet.com.pl/pipermail/bugdev/2002-August/000137.html

  Nope.  You're wrong.  He wasn't referring to windows message queues,
was referring to MSMQ.  You'll find that MSMQ has GUID

    Interface UUID: 77df7a80-f298-11d0-8358-00a024c480a8
    Interface Ver: 1
    Interface Ver Minor: 0

and that opnums 6, 7 and 8 are quite clearly MQLocateBegin, MQLocateNext
MQLocateEnd.  Try passing an overly-long string as an MQRESTRICTION to
MQLocateBegin function, and you'll find a unicode heap overflow in
that lets you overwrite an arbitrary address with an arbitrary long.

  You'll also find that this works in w2k sp2, and not in sp4; I haven't

tested sp3 yet.  Looks like they quietly fixed it up without any great 

  If anyone needs further convincing, I'll tidy up and post my p-o-c
but I think it's pretty clear from his words that he meant MSMQ and not
underlying win32 api.


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