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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Scholarly Articles/Jounals Re: Full-Disclosure

> I'm doing a research project on software vulnerability
> disclosure (full-disclosure, "responsible disclosure",
> M$'s "information anarchy", etc.) and was wondering if
> anyone knew of specific academic or technical journals
> that might contain good information.
> So far I've found lots about full-disclosure from
> multiple news/tech news sites, but nothing academic or
> anything that would qualify as scholarly.  Any known
> whitepapers would be useful too.

ACM Transactions on Information and System Security could be considered
full-disclosure in an abstractly practical way; that is, it's not the
hack-this-that-way but this-class-of-problems-are-hacked-by-these-approaches.

scott hollatz                                        net shollatz@d.umn.edu
information technology systems and services          tel +1 218 726 8851
university of minnesota duluth mn usa                fax +1 218 726 7674

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