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Re: [Full-Disclosure] [PAPER] Juggling with packets: floating data storage

I can recall a talk at Defcon10 that discussed a
similar idea [1]. You can find it in the archives here
However, this "Juggling with packets: floating data
storage" paper is a lot more comprehensive.



--- Wojciech Purczynski <cliph@isec.pl> wrote:
>   The following paper explores the possibilities of
> using certain
>   properties of the Internet or any other large
> network to create 
>   a reliable, volatile distributed data storage of a
> large capacity.
> ==============================================
>  Juggling with packets: floating data storage
> ==============================================
>   "Your dungeon is built on an incline. Angry
> monsters can't play
>   marbles!"
>   Wojciech Purczynski <cliph@isec.pl>
>   Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@coredump.cx>

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