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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Bush Bashing (used to be Has Verisign time arrived ?)
- To: "Ivan Raikov" <raikov@cc.gatech.edu>, <full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com>
- Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Bush Bashing (used to be Has Verisign time arrived ?)
- From: "Mike" <mjcarter@ihug.co.nz>
- Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 20:42:56 +1300
Thank you Ivan,
you summed it all up very well, I had written many emails to other posters
but decided to del them after reading your post because you said all I was
gonna say and more.
What this discussion has reinforced to me is that even the most intelligent
people can be fooled!!! then again the I in IT means Information ... not
-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-admin@lists.netsys.com
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@lists.netsys.com]On Behalf Of Ivan Raikov
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:29 AM
To: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Subject: OT: [Full-Disclosure] Bush Bashing (used to be Has Verisign
time arrived ?)
Dark Avenger <Dark-Avenger@comcast.net> writes:
> This isn't the place to discuss political and personal views of our
> country and leadership, but you 2 just opened the door.
Normally, I wouldn't bother replying to Repugnican trolls like
yourself, but your cluelessness is so profound, I just can't help it.
> This is typical liberal dribble attacking our president for an
> "immoral war" and being "weird".
Sir, the person you refer to as "our president" is neither; he
was appointed to the presidency by the Supreme Court, which chose to
legislate from the bench and vote their political agenda through,
without any respect and regard to the Constitution of the United
States and Florida state law. Now, I think the protests against this
illegal and immoral war, albeit regarded with so much contempt by you,
conveyed a clear message by the American people: George Bush is not
us, he does not represent the United States, and we will work together
to remove him and his friends from power.
> Your only agenda is to try to discredit an administration that
> finally has some morals and integrity and does what's right for the
> country (and even for the ungrateful world community), unlike the
> prior administration.
Republican morals and integrity. Holy penguin on a
bicycle. Let's just look at some of the "accomplishments" of this
-Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than
any other presidency in US history.
-Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded
government contracts.
-Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who
violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations
bidding for government contracts.
-Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than
any president in US history.
-Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any
other administration in US history.
-Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of
congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US
-Presidency is the most secretive and un-accountable of any in US
-During his first year in office, George Bush set the all-time record
for most days on vacation by any president in US history. After
taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the
worst security failure in US history.
-Failed to permit, in the 18 months following the 911 attacks, any
public investigation into the biggest security failure in the
history of the United States.
-Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history, and refused to
intervene when corruption was revealed.
-Biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of the
largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth
Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).
-Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in
any country in the history of the world.
-After winning the sympathy of the entire world (on 9/12 French daily
_Le Mond_ had a front-page headline reading "We Are All Americans
Today!"), George Bush managed to alienate pretty much all of the
allies of the United States, including Turkey, whose military and
political ties with the United States have traditionally been very
strong. How can you piss of Turkey is beyond me.
In contrast, Clinton managed to win Greece on his side when
NATO was about to attack Iraq. I'll only say that the Greeks don't
particularly like the U.S., because of the latter's military ties to
Turkey. Clinton was the reason why many people abroad viewed the
U.S. very favorably throughout the nineties. Including
Palestinians. Clinton was greeted as a hero during his recent trip to
Kosovo. Now what were you saying about Chimpy again?
> Where were your criticisms when the Clinton administation launched
> cruise missles into Iraq without UN approval?
If you think that launching cruise missiles in Iraq is on par
with a full-scale invasion, you're delusional.
> Where were your criticisms when the Clinton administation attacked
> Serbia without UN, or even Congress' approval?
Serbia was attacked by NATO (that's the allies of the United
States that His Imperial Chimpiness pissed off, in case you don't
know). Besides, there was a MASS GENOCIDE going on at about the same
time. In contrast, when Saddam was "gassing his own people" in 1988,
the Ray-gun administration covered it up. I'm sorry: was there a point
that you wished to make?
> Where were your criticisms when the Clinton administation bombed an
> aspirin factory?
Oh no! The Air Force made a mistake during one of their
missions. Clearly, that condemns the entire Serbian operation.
> Now this isn't about the Clinton administration, but it illustrates
> the level of hypocrisy of those that bash the current administration.
A republican talking about hypocrisy. Can you say: Bill
Bennett and Rush Limbaugh? I knew you could.
> Every nation in the UN agreed that Iraq had weapons of mass
> destruction,
Care to provide some evidence to the above statement? Seems to
me that the report of Hans Blix and Mohamed el-Baradei claimed quite
the contrary.
> so you can't pin the label on the Bush administration, as if they
> lied about it and used it as the only reason to liberate the Iraqi
> people. This was only 1 of many reasons for going into Iraq, and
> the liberals are trying to cast it as the only reason.
These are the facts: 1) George W. Bush is a liar. 2) Dick
Cheney is a liar 3) Colin Powell is a liar. 4) Donald Rumsfeld is a
liar. 5) Condoleezza Rice is a liar. These people repeatedly asserted
that a attack with WMD by Iraq was imminent, even though every single
one of their statements regarding the issue was thoroughly debunked
MONTHS before the actual invasion. Now, I don't care how Karl Rove and
company started spinning the war after it became clear that THERE ARE
> People like you seem to forget or ignore the 17 UN resolutions that
> Iraq had violated. And how the UN doesn't have enough backbone to
> enforce their own resolutions.
No, they are not forgotten or ignored. This is not, however,
a reason to go to war. Do you understand this?
> You seem to forget or ignore the routine and systematic torture and
> execution of political prisoners that Saddam's regime carried out.
The routine and systematic torture happened under the
administrations of Ronald Reagan (dipshit) and George Bush
senior. They are the ones who ignored it, they are the ones who sold
weapons to Saddam in the 1980s. Or are you forgetting that Donald
Rumfilled was meeting with Saddam to negotiate these purchases?
> You seem to forget or ignore their use of chemical weapons against
> Iran that resulted in an estimated 600,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqi Kurd's
> and Iranians dead in 1980 - 1988. This in itself proves he had
> weapons of mass destruction, and everyone knows it. They hid entire
> squads of fighter jets underneath the desert sands, showing how easy
> it would be to hide small barrels of chemical and biological agents.
Hello, Earth to Nimrod: The fucking Republican party was in
charge in 1980-1988, and they sold Saddam the weapons of mass
destruction. Really, is there any part of this that I'm not
enunciating properly enough for your thick, wooden, Republican head to
> You seem to forget or ignore their invasion of Kuwait in 1990-1991.
You seem to forget that United States and allies
counterattacked and liberated Kuwait following that invasion.
> You seem to forget or ignore the bloody mass killings of 30,000 to
> 60,000 Kurd's and Shite's in 1991.
Sadly, that was Poppy Bush's doing; or shall we blame
Clinton's penis instead?
> You seem to forget or ignore the Rape rooms and imprisoned children
> and execution rooms used regularly by this regime.
Apocryphal stories made up by Kurdish refugees. Thoroughly
debunked many years ago. Next!
> And how the women were suppressed and made 2nd class citizens by not
> being able to be seen in public, or drive, or go to school, or vote
> (vote? what a laugh, even for those who could).
Um, what? Iraq was not under the Shariat law, moron. You are
thinking of Arabic countries with Muslim government. Iraq had a
secular government. You really are fucking clueless.
> Thank God we finally have an administration that is willing to do
> what's right to protect us all.
Dude, this guy is a business partner of the bin Ladens. He is
only loyal to his business interests. He is not loyal to the people of
the United States, the Constitution of the United States, or any other
moral code and principles. It's time for you to get off the turnip
truck and get on the clue bus.
> This new world we live in since 9/11/2001 (of course you've
> forgotten about that too, I'm sure) requires us to take the battle
> to the terrorists and their allies before they take it to us.
Which is precisely what Clinton did. Don't forget that it was
that outgoing Clinton administration whose officials briefed
Condoleeza Rice on the impending threat from Al Qaeda. The Bush
administration did not act on that information until 9/10/2001.
> Do you actually think for one minute that Iraq wouldn't hand over
> WMD to terrorists with the intent of using them on our homeland?
Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction, nor did it
actively support any terrorist groups at the time it was attacked. AND
> This is a pro-active approach to warding off terrorism before it
> hits again. If this administration hadn't taken this approach, and
> then we had an attack on LA, or San Francisco, or any other place in
> the US, then you would have been bashing the administration for not
> protecting you. If France, or Germany, or any other nation on this
> earth had been attacked like we were, then who do you think would be
> the first people they called upon to help them out? And we would
> have done it without hesitation.
Well, the Clinton administration did it. The Bush
administration failed.
> God Bless the USA, and yes, the President too
Well, I think it's about time that we recall President Al Gore,
since he hasn't shown up to work in three years. But bless him if you
"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like
administering medicine to the dead." --Thomas Paine
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