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RE: [inbox] Re: [Full-Disclosure] CyberInsecurity: The cost of Monopoly
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: RE: [inbox] Re: [Full-Disclosure] CyberInsecurity: The cost of Monopoly
- From: "Bruce Ediger" <eballen1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:30:24 -0600 (MDT)
Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
> > As I said, I also think that Micro$oft is as insecure as my 8
> > y/o daughter playing with a handgun.
And then, On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Schmehl, Paul L replied:
> Your daughter wouldn't be insecure playing with a handgun if she had had
> proper handgun safety training. Wouldn't the same be true of computer
> users?
I realize you're from Texas and everything, but are you nuts?
An 8-year old with a handgun should cause vast feelings of insecurity
in you, with or without proper training on her part.
Besides that, what do you mean by "proper safety training" for a computer
used? If you mean the failed "don't click on any attachments, don't
open email from someone you don't know" recipe-style of training, then no
to that too.
That recipe-style "training" is what got us into the monocultural pickle
we're in today. We don't need training, we need more people to know
and understand more than "I just want to get my job done, and MSFT
products are the best", point-n-click power-user training.
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