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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Soft-Chewy insides (was: CyberInsecurity: The cost of Monopoly)

On Monday 29 September 2003 08:23 am, Michael Scheidell wrote:


> These fins and jail time will directly target the C/Board level, and
> only indirectly affect the security teams (they may lose their jobs
> when the company they work for goes bankrupt)
> Its only a matter of time before the lawyers finish up with big
> tobacco and move on to SARBOX/HIPAA and GLBA work.
> > My $0.02.
> I'll see you that .02/c and raise you 5 million dollars (the Maximum
> fine under SARBOX)

<cynical grin>  Would that that would really help.  I guess maybe in the 
long run it might, but I'm not holding my breath.  There's still the 
small matter of connecting cause with effect and then implementing a 
program that will function appropriately at all levels of the 
organization.  I'll bet a dozen Krispy Kremes that the response of many 
Boards and C-level officers will be a knee-jerk "Off with their heads" 
followed by a return to business as usual.  It's a lot easier to offer 
up a sacrificial lamb than it is to change corporate culture . . . But 
it will certianly be interesting to follow . . .  ;-)

George Capehart

capegeo at opengroup dot org

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