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[Full-Disclosure] WINDOWS XP software restriction policy [path rule] bypass...
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] WINDOWS XP software restriction policy [path rule] bypass...
- From: bipin gautam <visitbipin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 20:02:50 -0700 (PDT)
/this is my temporary email add. as my old server is
getting a huze dDOS! hopefully, soon within few days
i'll be using my old email address./
alternate email: bipin@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Bipin Gautam ]
WINDOWS XP software restriction policy [path rule]
Risk level: LOW - Medium
With software restriction policies, you can protect
your computer environment from UN trusted code by
identifying and specifying which applications are
allowed to run. The applications can be identified in
policy through a specified path creating a rule. The
administrator can extensively control the rights of
the users/applications through path rule.
But under certain circumstances windows xp fails to
block a application from executing from the particular
directory even if the path rule of a directory is
../*.* [disallowed] But surprisingly, I was only able
to execute the file from a restricted directory that
was in FAT file system. [Doesn't seem to work in NTFS]
Excludable files could be run from the restricted
directory. [Path rule restriction]
Create a path rule say, ../*.* [disallowed] to your
desktop and reboot your computer. Well, now windows
will not allow to you to execute any common excludable
from your desktop. Copy the "CTR trouble!.COM" &
"safe.EXE" to your desktop and try executing it. Well,
surprisingly windows will allow you to execute the
--[Background Information]--
The bug was originally discovered by hUNT3R, [myself]
a member of 01 Security Submission. The vendor was
notified via email.
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