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[Full-Disclosure] Incriminating innocent peer to peer network users

There has been a disturbing trend recently whereby "authorities" in the
United States of America have been filing lawsuits against peer to peer
(P2P) network users for alleged copyright infringement.  The lawsuits
typically demand an outrageously large sum of money, such that the target
P2P user settles out of court for a smaller amount of money.  As a result,
 the quality of the authority's "evidence" is never called into question.

I have written a paper that explores this issue by describing just some
of the many ways in which a malicious P2P user can generate and manipulate
"evidence" in order to implicate an innocent P2P user in behaviour deemed
unacceptable to the authorities.  The paper discusses basic issues (such
as known issues with the architecture of P2P networks) as well as some
more advanced issues (such as previously unknown vulnerabilities in P2P
applications) that allow the creation and manipulation of "evidence"
of unacceptable behaviour, questioning the ability for authorities to
sue P2P network users.

The paper can be found at the following URL:

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