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Re: [Full-Disclosure] BugTraq Speed

> > As it 
> > seems that there are lots of people sharing the same 
> > experience, one of 

> Well, I think I am anyhow not the one talking to them. Why? In the past,

They are running mailman ... mailman can be horrendously slow (esp with a
large volume (traffic * number_of_subscribers) .

3 hour delays with mailman mailinglists is pretty common.

Currently listening to: jh_box_of_gypsys_d5t05

        Gerhard,  <faliquid@xxxxxxxxx>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==  
   __O  I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge
 =`\<,  that myth is more potent than history
(=)/(=) that hope always triumphs over experience
        and I belive that love is stronger than death
                -       Storytellers Credo (adapted)

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