Try this one out for yourself.
1) Make sure you have all this set up on an email address that is getting
lots of the latest virus infected emails.
2) Install Macafee Virusscan Online (AKA Macafee VSO).
3) Install Macafee's Spamkiller.
4) Note they are from the same company.
5) Pick up email with Spamkiller while VSO is running in the background.
6) Note how, for every infected email, you have to click "continue what I
was doing" and "No" to "Do you want to scan your computer?" said for
7) At some point during the email being checked by Spamkiller, watch
Spamkiller stuff up as VSO has deleted log files etc that it decided were
infected and auto cleaned.
8) Now imagine you have a network of around 20 or so users (more, if you
like) all with Macafee VSO and Spamkiller all going through what you just
put yourself through and realise that your users probably just use computers
to do their work on (and dirty web browsing habits - but that's another
story!) and cant afford the time to keep answering two questions per
incoming email and then deal with the fact that Spamkiller has crashed or
otherwise made life difficult. Imagine, if you were that user rushing to
meet a deadline, what you would do? If you had the ability, you would stop
Macafee VSO and/or Spamkiller and continue on.
9) Now with Spamkiller AND Macafee VSO stopped, imagine what work YOU will
have very shortly, fixing this.
10) Now start to wonder what the Bofh'n heck you chose these two products
for when they do that and why it is that Macafee hasnt fixed this!
.....sorta makes you realise why a major epidemic like we are currently
experiencing works when users are forced to turn off the things meant to
make their life easier and protect them to some extent, huh?
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.