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Re: [Full-Disclosure] New Hacking Zine: p62

Personally, I wouldn't trust _any_ pair of breasts to be a reliable
source of security-related information.

On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 21:16, Cael Abal wrote:
> phrackstaff@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > How the hell can people make the claim that p62 is "fake" or a "hoax"?
> > Exactly what part of the magazine is "fake" ?
> Exactly!  Just like Britney Spears' breasts, p62 is "real".  That is, 
> not otherworldly.  Yet, also like Britney Spears' breasts, I fear I 
> would get in quite a lot of trouble if I trusted it/them to be a 
> reliable source of security-related information.
> Wait, what was I talking about again?
> C
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