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Re: Automat? Was (Re: [Full-Disclosure] new virus: )

At 12:43 PM 9/19/2003 -0400, disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Following up my own post:
There is no virus known to us by this name. However, Norton Anti-Virus
uses names like W97M.Automat.  to name viruses which have been detected

VARIANT: Automat.K

So it looks new.

This is absolutely INSANE. I've got AVs picking up Automat.AHB, Gibe.F and Swen.A - all for the same virus. Why can't we get some standardization here? This is getting ridiculous.

-- B.K. DeLong bkdelong@xxxxxxxxx +1.617.797.2472

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38D4 D4D4 5819 8667 DFD5  A62D AF61 15FF 297D 67FE

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