I was tracking the number of infected computers, but around 4:30am Pacific
the counter was replaced with a GIF image reading:
WARNING: Your computer may
be infected by W32/Swen@MM worm.
It's no joke. See mcaffee.com for info.
The last good number I have for the hit count was 1,576,803 at 4:30am.
It's a shame the counter was replaced, this gave us a good idea of how
many hosts were infected and could reveal real numbers of the rate of
infection - I'm still recieving these emails, over 100 overnight.
Maybe the admins of vutbr.cz would open their web logs to give us more
accurate information about the point of origin and rate of spread.
If anyone wants the numbers I collected (I have data from the 18th at
13:56 through 4:30am today) I'd be happy to provide them.